Green teas are produced from leaves that
are withered in the sun immediately after being hand-picked. Once the leaves
become pliable, they are traditionally pan-fried in woks. You may want to try
cutting down on the number of cups you drink per day, switching to another
beverage after early afternoon and/or cutting down on the sugar you add to your
coffee. There is increasing evidence that caffeine is not as much of a dietary
culprit as experts previously thought. For example, some studies indicate
caffeine intake may have a protective effect against Parkinson's disease as
well as liver and colorectal cancers.The combination of green tea and
chemotherapy medications, specifically doxorubicin and tamoxifen, increased the
effectiveness of these medications in laboratory tests. However, these results
have not yet been demonstrated in studies on people. On the other hand, there
have been reports of both green and black tea extracts stimulating a gene in
prostate cancer cells that may cause them to be less sensitive to chemotherapy
drugs. Given this potential interaction, people should not drink black and
green tea (as well as extracts of these teas) while receiving chemotherapy for
prostate cancer in particular.The study determined that EGCG supplementation
significantly reduced body weight gain, associated with increased fecal lipids
and decreased blood glucose levels, compared to those of the control group.The
study grouped the results from twenty past research bodies covering a total of
1,415 participants. Once compiled and analyzed, the pooled data found that
green tea catechins, at doses ranging from 145 to 3,000 mg per day (including
consumption as green tea beverage and extract in capsules), led to
statistically significant reductions in total and LDL ("bad")
cholesterol, compared to controls who did not consume any.Reporting in the
research journal Obesity, researchers continue to mount crucial evidence to
support green tea as an agent in the war against overweight and obesity. Green
tea (and its less refined cousin, white tea) is shown to slow weight gain and
may be a key tool in the obesity epidemic impacting the health of millions of
children and adults in western cultures.A diet low in processed food is also
key. Whenever possible, avoid eating foods that have been heavily refined and
filled with chemical additives.