
The differences between the well-over two thousand types of tea

The differences between the well-over two thousand types of tea result from variations in the processing of the leaves after they are harvested. If you want to completely eliminate caffeine from your diet, you will have to add green tea to your list of forbidden foods. However, if you merely want to reduce your caffeine intake, you may want to substitute green tea for coffee as your morning pick-me-up beverage. Consider these facts about green tea:Green tea may inhibit the actions of adenosine, a medication given in the hospital for an irregular (and usually unstable) heart rhythm.Many studies over the past decade have shown that green tea is a powerful tool to improve metabolism in a way that is supportive of weight loss.The result of a systematic literature search published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association finds that green tea supplied from drink or supplements lowers total cholesterol and artery-clogging LDL cholesterol.The research team concluded that nearly 13% of the participants consuming the lowest amount of green tea (one cup or less each day) developed moderate to severe degrees of functional disability.The authors concluded "Human data ... shows that tea drinkers who only consume one or more cups a day will see effects on body weight compared to non-consumers." Most nutritionists suggest regular consumption of green tea each day, or a standardized EGCG extract (500 mg to 1 gram daily) along with a calorie-balanced diet to achieve weight management success.Although the decrease was not drastic, it was large enough to be statistically significant. Researchers saw no effect on HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

