
Tea Province - Fujian - The Home of Oolong

Fujian - a province bordering the East China Sea with a rich and ancient history. Archaeologists date early historical finds in this area to ten thousand years ago. It is known that oolong, Pu'er, red tea have already been produced in the T'ang Dynasty - at the end of the first millennium AD. Milky oolongs Nai Siang Tsin Süan and Ti Kuan Yin are a trademark of Fujian.
Numerous monuments of ancient architecture are preserved here - pagodas, temples and cloisters. Due to the seaside location, the region has a rich history of seafaring, maritime trade is associated with many monuments. Extensive trade contacts led to the dissemination of many religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. 14 of 142 greatest Buddhist cloisters located on the territory of China are located in Fujian Province. The oldest mosque in China Ching Tsing was also built here.
The nature of this region is truly magnificent. Picturesque rocks - such as Ku Shan, Fuzhou, Wu Yi, water surface of lakes, many rivers, streams and waterfalls, the most beautiful karst caves. Large relict forests grow in the province, which are now supported by a system of national parks and nature reserves. This area became home to such famous teas as Ti Kuan Yin Tea and milky Nai Siang Tsin Süan.
A special role in the life of Fujian plays the city Fuzhou - the provincial capital and one of the fourteen open ports of China. Like a thousand years ago, this is an important trade junction, where, in particular, is an active trade of tea grown in the province - here you can buy milky oolong Nai Siang Tsin Süan, Ti Kuan Yin and many other varieties of tea, in production of which Fujian takes a leading stand in China.
One of the most popular tea variety grown in Fujian is milky oolong Nai Siang Tsin Süan. This tea is flavored, although its typical creamy smell and taste may be natural, depending on the way of production. The most complex, but also admired by the way - the natural acquisition of a "milky" taste. This is achieved by spraying a solution of Cuban sugar cane on tea plants; secondly, the use of diluted milk to water; thirdly, by covering the base of bush with rice husks. Due to this the tea saturates the scents even at the stage of growth.
Another method is called an artificial flavouring. It is based on the ability of tea to absorb a variety of flavors; the tea is treated with vaporous milk extract.
Fujian is called the Kingdom of tea. The economy of this province, which recently was in devastation, was revived by spreading and popularizing of its worldwide famous teas.

