There are essentially four different
methods of manufacturing tea that give us the four major categories: Black,
Oolong, Green, and White. Camellia Sinensis plants have been known to grow to
be 5-6 hundred years old. As long as the number of cups you drink remains the
same, replacing your morning coffee with a cup of green tea will reduce your
caffeine intake by about 70%. One cup of coffee contains 100-150mg of caffeine;
a cup of green tea has only about 25mg of caffeine. However, there are many
variables affecting these numbers. For example, the caffeine content of
different types of green tea can vary; also a longer brewing period can result
in more strongly caffeinated tea.Green tea may increase the effectiveness of
beta-lactam antibiotics by reducing bacterial resistance to
treatment.Scientists publishing in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry
demonstrate that it activates genes associated with fat burning while also
helping to reduce absorption of fat from the digestive tract. Further evidence
on the gene-altering activity of green tea is reported in the International
Journal of Cardiology, as polyphenols from the drink lower free radical damage
to help maintain telomere length in heart cells.Green tea contains antioxidant
compounds called catechins (specifically EGCG) that pack a powerful
anti-inflammatory punch to our metabolism.By contrast, only 7% of those
consuming the highest amount of green tea (5 cups or more each day) were
classified with any degree of functional decline.The capsules contained
green-tea catechins, compounds which researchers assumed offered the possible
cholesterol-lowering benefits.